Our Services

Medvise revolutionizes healthcare practices by offering an integrated suite of advanced AI-powered solutions that streamline workflows, ensure accurate documentation, optimize billing practices, and enhance patient care.

Real Time Scribe

Accurately transcribes doctor-patient conversations in real-time. Medvise is capable of Speaker Recognition, Utmost Precision, Multiple Cross References and Verifications, Translations, Contextual Understanding and Customization for Unique Words or Dialects.

Billing Optimization

Medvise ensures accurate medical coding and billing. Our platform highlights potential documentation gaps and suggests additional information that could improve billing accuracy. We can follow both CMS and private funder guidelines.


Accurately Categorizes and Organizes Clinical Notes, Assessments, SOAP’s, Procedures, Medications, Images, Vitals, Tests, Goals, Summaries and Additional Encounter Information and Seamlessly Integrates with EHR Platforms.

AI Analysis and Support

Verbal conversation with AI to review patient history and diagnosis, with relevant answers based on data, guidelines, and up-to-date research. This is made possible through the use of decision support systems that combine machine learning algorithms with evidence-based guidelines and medical knowledge.

EHR Integration and API Gateway

Medvise’s tools are not limited to our platform. Easy integrate our AI-powered solutions into your existing infrastructure. We are a data-first company specializing in the seamless movement of healthcare data into FHIR. Our expertise lies in capturing, analyzing, and integrating data, allowing us to build advanced solutions that empower healthcare providers and improve patient care.

Intake and Interaction

With our cutting-edge customer intake forms and ability to provide chat bots, We provide a powerful means to capture even more valuable data, optimizing clinical workflows, enhancing patient care, and promoting data-driven decision-making.